This year we celebrate our 30th company anniversary and we are very proud to have reached this milestone all together. During these 30 years, we have become one of the leading providers and system integrators in the field of custom embedded computing technology in Germany.
We owe this to the commitment, hard work, and loyalty of our employees. We would also like to thank our customers and partners who have supported us throughout the years. Without your loyalty and trust, we would not have achieved what we are today.
Together, we have overcome many challenges in recent years and we are confident that we will continue to be successful in the future. We will maintain our culture and strengths and focus on new challenges and opportunities to make our company even more successful.
Here’s to a successful future!
Florian Haidn & Maik Schauer

Established by Klaus Lederer
Successive development from pure distributor to system integrator
Continuous expansion of technology partners with the goal of independence
The system integrator Aaronn generates more than 50% of its revenue with customized solutions
Aaronn becomes Titanium Partner of Intel
Aaronn celebrates its 30th anniversary, moves into a new office building and doubles its office space. Vision: THE independent system integrator for the individual realization of industrial IoT applications.
Our employees are the heart and soul of our company, and we are grateful for their tireless efforts, dedication and passion. Here you can meet some of our team members who look back on their time with us, share their experiences and offer insights into what makes Aaronn a special and unique place to work. We hope their stories give you a sense of what it means to be part of our team.

As a Key Account Manager, I work closely with our customers to understand their needs and provide bespoke solutions that meet their requirements. I am constantly looking for new opportunities to develop existing projects in collaboration with our customers, efficiently grow our customer base, and increase our presence. Our success demonstrates our ability to maintain excellent relationships with customers and provide solutions that exceed their expectations. Looking foward to another 30 years of growth, success, and fun on the job
Christian Squarra
Key Account Manager

As a Solution Architect, it is my job to keep up to date with the latest technologies, understand and solve complex technical problems as well as develop innovative solutions to challenges that arise. I work closely with my colleagues to ensure that our products and services meet the highest standards of quality and performance. On the occasion of our company’s 30th anniversary, I recall all the innovative solutions we have developed over the years, and I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to this success.
Christof Rüger
Solution Architect

As a team member of the Engineering Department, I am especially honored to be part of this company’s 30-year history. My daily tasks include manufacturing high-quality industrial products and ensuring the efficiency and quality of our manufacturing processes. Working with my colleagues and contributing to the growth of our company is an enriching experience, and I look forward with confidence to an exciting future.
Spiros Katsoupis
Application Engineer

My daily tasks in the logistics department include monitoring deliveries, coordinating inbound and outbound deliveries, and ensuring the smooth operation of our processes. My organizational skills and can-do mentality help me manage the wide range of tasks and keep our customers satisfied. I am very happy to be part of a family-owned company that not only appreciates but also rewards hard work and commitment.
Silke Kubeile

Together with Aaronn, many customized solutions were developed for customers in the areas of retail signage, transportation, or meeting rooms.
The requirements of the customers were always fulfilled here and thus a complete solution for Sharp/NEC customers could be offered together.
Over the last 10 years, Aaronn has become a very important solution provider for Sharp/NEC and has been able to achieve more success year after year and together reach new customers.
We look forward to the years to come.

Erik Elbert / Senior Product Manager
Sharp NEC Display Solutions Europe GmbH
We have a decades-long business relationship with Aaronn. We are a customer of the very first hours.
We appreciate the competent advice and the reliability of the statements. Our problems were taken seriously and could always be solved to our satisfaction.
Therefore, we are looking forward to further long-term cooperation.

Helmut Manglkramer / Einkaufsleiter
Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG
Congratulations to Aaronn Electronic on its 30th anniversary! It is a great pleasure for us to be a part of this journey for over 20 years.
We came to know you as a partner who not only delivers high-quality products but also provides first-class service. For many years, we have relied on the expertise and commitment of the Aaronn team when it comes to professional systems and solutions. Your commitment to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction is palpable and has helped us grow successfully together.
We look forward to many more years of successful collaboration. Thank you for the many years of partnership and all the best for the future!

Günther Walch / Geschäftsführer
Seit fast 10 Jahren haben wir eine großartige Zusammenarbeit mit Aaronn und arbeiten bei vielen Kundenprojekten zusammen. Wir begannen mit einigen kleineren Projekten und waren sehr zufrieden mit der Schnelligkeit und Professionalität der Mitarbeiter. Die nächsten Projekte waren größer und Aaronn hat eine hervorragende Arbeitsqualität bewiesen. Das Niveau des Wissens und der Flexibilität von Aaronn ist fantastisch und wir hoffen aufrichtig, dass die aktuelle Zusammenarbeit noch etliche Jahre andauern wird und wir unsere Geschäftsbeziehung gemeinsam weiter erfolgreich ausbauen können.

Axel Schäfer / Senior Channel Partner Manager Central Europe
Aaronn ist ein lösungsorientierter Systemintegrator mit dem es Spaß macht gemeinsam Projekte anzugehen und zu gewinnen. Mein Partner glänzt durch Transparenz, Ehrgeiz und Loyalität, diese Eigenschaften werden auch beim Endkunden sehr positiv aufgenommen. Einzelkämpfer gibt es bei Aaronn nicht, hier trifft man auf ein absolut eingestimmtes Team, welches sich perfekt ergänzt. Ich freue mich darauf mit euch weitere Erfolge feiern zu können.

Jan-Philipp Hess / Channel Sales Manager CEE
Aaronn ist ein lösungsorientierter Systemintegrator mit dem es Spaß macht gemeinsam Projekte anzugehen und zu gewinnen. Mein Partner glänzt durch Transparenz, Ehrgeiz und Loyalität, diese Eigenschaften werden auch beim Endkunden sehr positiv aufgenommen. Einzelkämpfer gibt es bei Aaronn nicht, hier trifft man auf ein absolut eingestimmtes Team, welches sich perfekt ergänzt. Ich freue mich darauf mit euch weitere Erfolge feiern zu können.

Jan-Philipp Hess / Channel Sales Manager CEE
Since the beginning Kontron was there and is proud to be a partner of Aaronn. With professionalism, loyalty and flexibility, Aaronn has always ensured mutual success during these 30 years. We are very pleased to be part of this success and look forward to a great future together. A huge thank you goes out to all who have made Aaronn what it is today.

Franco Genovese / Channel Director EMEA
We keep a great relationship with Aaronn for almost 10 years and work together on many customer projects. We started with a few smaller projects and were very pleased with the speed and professionalism of the team. The next projects were larger and Aaronn has demonstrated an excellent quality of work. The level of knowledge and flexibility of Aaronn is fantastic and we sincerely hope that the current cooperation will continue for several more years and we can further develop our business relationship together successfully.

Axel Schäfer / Senior Channel Partner Manager Central Europe
Aaronn is a solution-oriented system integrator that makes it fun to tackle projects together and achieve success. My partner shines through transparency, ambition, and loyalty, these qualities are also very positively received by the end customer. There are no solo fighters at Aaronn, here you meet an absolutely attuned team, which complements each other perfectly. I look forward to celebrating further successes with you.

Jan-Philipp Hess / Channel Sales Manager CEE
Adlink Technology
Aaronn Electronic GmbH as an Titanium Partner represents the top tier of the Intel Partner Alliance. The 30th anniversary is an impressing achievement, and we are proud to be part of Aaronn’s success. Thank you for your partnership, collaboration, engagement in digital sales enablement activities and commitment to delivering Intel-based technologies and solutions. Let’s keep doing wonderful things together!

Ewa Szymanska-Sznigir / Account Executive
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