WISE PaaS - Integrated IoT Solution

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  • Device monitoring and remote diagnostics
  • Over the Air (OTA)
  • Data Acquisition & Visualization
  • Device Onboard & Registration
  • Centralized status management for IoT devices HW & SW
  • Up to 1000 Devices


Advantech’s WISE-PaaS industrial IoT cloud platform provides edge-to-cloud software services for system integrators and manufacturers to rapidly develop domain-specific IoT solutions using Advantech’s extensive hardware portfolio.

Through Advantech’s WISE-PaaS/DeviceOn application, you can connect any type of device through any available interface, as well as collect and analyze any type of data to provide your targeted application with the information it needs. Our WISE-PaaS/DeviceOn application supports a wide variety of interfaces, data formats, communication protocols, and performs dedicated services by monitoring and controlling devices, concentrating and evaluating data, and triggering defined follow-up processes or responding to specific events and commands from the outside.


  • Hardware & Software Monitoring
  • Power Management
  • Remote maintenance
  • Restore and backup of data
  • Windows Lockdown
    Detect deviations in advance and take countermeasures
  • Alerting in case of malfunctions
  • Software, firmware and configuration updates and countermeasures
  • Advantech BIOS updates
  • Read out data history and device data in real time
  • Easily analyze and control your devices from your customizable dashboard
  • Zero-touch Onboarding (Easy registration of new devices)
  • Batch Import (Register and connect multiple devices in one operation)
  • Easy device connection, replacement, or deregistration via your dashboard


The target audience for WISE-PaaS include, for example, the following proven application areas:



Private Cloud –„on premise“

A private cloud is a cloud environment that is operated exclusively for an organization. The cloud platform can be hosted and managed internally (for example, by the company’s own data centers), but also by third parties. Still looking for the right hardware for your private cloud? With Advantech’s WISE-STACK we have exactly the right hardware to build your private cloud in our portfolio. 

Public Cloud

Provides access to abstracted IT infrastructure for the general public via the Internet. Public cloud service providers lease IT infrastructure to their customers. Payment is made according to actual use (pay-as-you-go) without having to invest capital in computer and data center infrastructure.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Software as a Service is a business model in which the software application is no longer sold to the customer, but instead the customer is provided with it as a service in return for payment.
Consequently, software as well as IT infrastructure are operated by an external service provider. In most cases, all that is needed to run the software is an Internet-enabled device and an Internet browser. This makes it possible to use inexpensive hardware in the company, while at the same time benefiting from the full computing power and storage capacity of a data center.


Concept creation with definition of your use cases


Pilot operation under real conditions


Aaronn Electronic is one of the first partners in Europe to support Advantech in marketing the industrial IoT cloud platform WISE-PaaS. As a result, Aaronn customers benefit from completely new opportunities to network their individual hardware solutions and tackle projects in the areas of IoT, Big Data, cloud services and Artificial Intelligence (AI).



Cloud computing is an IT infrastructure that is made available via the Internet. It usually includes storage space, computing power or application software as a service.
In more technical terms, cloud computing describes the approach of making IT infrastructures available via a computer network without having to install them on your local computer.
These services are offered and used exclusively via technical interfaces and protocols, for example by means of your web browser. Our service includes, among other things, the infrastructure, platforms and associated software.

Internet of things refers to the networking of “intelligent” objects both with each other and externally with the Internet. Various objects, everyday objects or machines are thus able to communicate with each other independently and to execute predefined processes autonomously.

The abbreviation M2M stands for machine-to-machine communication. The concept behind this is an automated exchange of information between machines, vending machines, vehicles, etc. among themselves and/or with a central control center. With this automation, processes become faster, more efficient and safer, and completely new business areas can be developed.

The infrastructure represents the lowest layer in cloud computing. IaaS describes a business model in which no complete solution (hardware and software application) is offered, but only the hardware required to implement certain applications. This is located in data centers and is also maintained there. Cloud users are given access to virtualized components for data processing, data transport and data storage and can thus use and install any application programs and operating systems.

The platform represents the middle layer. Here, it is not so much the IT administrator who is called upon, but the software developer. Platform as a Service is a service that enables developers to develop and run their own programs on the infrastructure offered by means of interfaces. For this purpose, the PaaS provider makes development environments available in the form of frameworks. In doing so, it specifies the programming languages and interfaces to be used, as well as data storage, networks and data processing systems. However, the developer has no administrative or control access to the infrastructure used to provide the service. He can only control the programs and data he has brought in himself.

Applications represent the final layer and build logically on all previous layers. Software as a Service is a business model in which the software application is no longer sold to the customer, but instead the customer is provided with it as a service in return for payment.
Consequently, software as well as IT infrastructure are operated by an external service provider. In most cases, all that is needed to run the software is an Internet-enabled device and an Internet browser. This makes it possible to use inexpensive hardware in the company, while at the same time benefiting from the full computing power and storage capacity of a data center.