Single Board Computers
Single board computers (SBCs) combine all the electronic components required for operation on one printed circuit board. In addition to the microprocessor with the suitable chipset, this also includes working memory (RAM), cache and a slot for a data carrier with operating system. Various interfaces such as network, USB, audio and serial interfaces are already installed here.
2.5″ boards (2.5-inch boards) are particularly compact, but can be flexibly expanded as required using standardized add-on cards. Aaronn has established itself in the industrial PC segment as a long-standing sales partner for Advantech single-board computers. The larger 3.5″ boards can offer more interfaces as standard and are suitable for areas of application with higher performance requirements. The PC104 standard, which is still widely used in the industrial environment, is still available at Aaronn.
This industry standard has now been on the market for more than 20 years.
For a multitude of applications there are still suitable PC/104(-plus) boards adapted to the current requirements of the customers.
As successors to the PC/104 boards and as small compact computers, 2.5″ boards (100 x 72 mm) are particularly useful thanks to their design and the flexibility offered by the use of standardized add-on cards. The majority of these boards can be operated without a fan.
Thanks to the larger design, 3.5″ boards (146 x 102 mm) SBCs have more interfaces and higher performance available.